Friday, March 20, 2015

Ladies Who Lunch

Today, Judy and I were ladies who lunch. Normally we eat lunch in our crowded school cafeteria. She eats with eighth graders; I eat with seventh. We have approximately 22 minutes for lunch, give or take a minute.
By the time I escort my 34 third-hour students to the cafeteria, then realize I have once again forgotten to turn off the overhead projector, run back to turn off the projector, sit down, unpack my lunch, and look for kids with raised hands ("Yes, you may get up to get a napkin," "No, it's not time to get in line for seconds,"), I only have a few minutes to eat. I joke with the kids when we get back to the classroom.
"Ignore the sandwich-shaped lump in my throat," I say. They also wish we had a longer lunch break.
Today, though, Judy and I attended an off-site professional development training. We enjoyed the presentation and participated enthusiastically in the hands-on strategy demonstrations. We conferred with teachers from seven different states and tried to arm ourselves with new approaches to old problems. We read, and laughed, and learned something new...and, maybe most importantly, we ate a really good lunch.
With 60 whole minutes to enjoy, we drove to a quaint little bistro and sat at a glass-topped table for two. We ordered creamy homemade tuna on whole wheat bread and cups of rich lobster bisque. I splurged on the crab cake appetizer for us to split; and, in turn, Judy ordered a slice of cheesecake which we divided right down the middle. Oh how we lunched! We had time to talk and laugh some more; share ideas and insights; and catch up on life outside of school. We were ladies who lunch; and we were reminded that sometimes, a long, leisurely lunch with a friend is more nourishing than the food itself.


  1. yes, yes, yes! I try to give more than 30 minutes for lunch when I run PD as often as I can! Teachers deserve to feel human once in a while!

  2. I really enjoyed reading this. I like how you included details about what lunch time is normally like for you and what your lunch was like today. It emphasized the contrast between the two. It's always nice to get a chance to have a real lunch with friends, isn't it?

  3. I do professional development, and I always make sure classroom teachers have a decadent amount of time for lunch. It's such a treat! When I started doing this (instead of teaching in the classroom) I didn't know what to do with my hour lunch break, so I ended up joinging the gym across the street. We are creatures of habit!
